Governor Roy Cooper has appointed Margaret B. Murchison, News & Public Affairs Director at Sandhills Broadcasting Group (WFJA 105.5 FM and WWGP 95.1 FM & 1050 AM) to a two-year term on the Justus-Warren Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Task Force, authorized by General Statute 143B-216.60. The appointment is from July 6, 2021 to June 30, 2023.. She replaces Deborah Holt Noel. The Task force consists of 27 members with 24 appointed by the Governor and the N. C. General Assembly, and three are designated representatives of the N. C. Department of Health & Human Services. Senator Jim Burgin who represents Harnett and Lee Counties is also a member of the Task force which has been in existence since 1995. Members are appointed by various categories. Murchison was appointed in the News Directors category. The Task Force was established to provide statewide leadership for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease. Meetings, which are open to the public, are held at the Legislative building. Through the Action Agenda, the Justus-Warren Task Force makes recommendations on legislation and policies to improve cardiovascular health. It creates reports for the N. C. General Assembly, Governor and stakeholders.
Murchison has served as News Director at WWGP & WFJA for 43 years. She is also Board Member Emeritus of the Radio-Television Digital News Directors Association of the Carolinas, having served as board member and secretary-treasurer for more than 25 years.
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