Yes! We are Streaming!

For the 1st time ever this fall, both local stations, WFJA and WWGP, will stream online! While WFJA has streamed since 2012, this is a first for WWGP – home to Today’s Best Country, NASCAR, the SWAP SHOP and Southern Lee Football. Both Lee County on WFJA and Southern Lee on WWGP will stream separately on Friday nights – giving the Sanford Community the option to hear both games. Streaming is expected to start on WWGP by August 23rd and we will announce any changes to that date. WFJA and WWGP will stream all show content aired on our stations with the following exceptions: UNC and NC State sports and coaches shows. Those wishing to stream the local football games should follow the below instructions to listen in:
- Log on to
- Select “Listen Live” on the tool bar at the top
- You will have the option to click on WFJA or WWGP
- Once you pick your station – Hit PLAY and enjoy
- Log on to
- Click on the 3 bars in the yellow banner – then click “Listen Live”
- You will have the option to click on WFJA or WWGP
- Once you pick your station – Hit PLAY and enjoy
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