Coronavirus Concerns Close Schools – Stop High School Sports

Recent announcements from Governor Roy Cooper has closed schools until mid-May – leaving local school officials scrambling to implement on-line learning for a 6-8 week period. Laptop pick-ups have been the new normal and teachers, administrators and office staff have re-geared to a new learning approach on the run in an effort to keep the school year on a schedule and hold a graduation in June. Gov. Cooper stated finishing the school year and holding graduations was still expected but that the final schedule will be determined by the coronavirus status. We remind all citizens that you can keep up with all local announcements and more on the SWAP SHOP each morning with host John Mann. Margaret Murchison brings News and Features throughout the SWAP SHOP that airs locally on 1050 AM & 95.1 FM. You can also listen online at
High School Sports were originally suspended in mid-March until the first week of April, but the announcement from Gov. Cooper has pushed that back to coincide with the start of schools. All spring sports have been put on hold until hopefully sometime in May.