Sanford Elks Lodge Hoop Shoot This Saturday, October 19

The annual Sanford Elks Hoop Shoot will be held on Saturday, 10/19/2019at the SouthernLee High School gymnasium. Registration will beginat 9:00am with competition starting at 10:00 am. This event is part of the Elks National “Hoop Shoot” Free Throw Program, a FREEevent open to all boys and girls, ages 8 through 13 (age is determined as of April 1, 2020). The Hoop Shoot allows every boy and girl between 8 and 13 in the Sanford at no cost.The contest consists of making the most of 25 free throw attempts. The six SanfordLodge Champions, one boy and one girl in each age-group(8-9, 10-11, 12-13), will advance to a District contest(Jan/2020in Roxboro). A typical District contest may have from five to 12 lodge entries in each category and age-group. The six finalists in each District contest will advance to the State finalsin Greensboro (Feb/2020). The State Champions will compete at a Regional contest to determine the contestants that will compete at the National Finals. The 2019/2020Hoop Shoot National Finals will take place April 16-19, 2020in Chicago, IL. National winners will have their names inscribedon a permanent “Hoop Shoot” plaque at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts.The Elks’ nationwide sanctioned program gives youngsters an opportunity for spirited competition, fine relationships with their peers, andtravel statewide, regionally and nationally at minimal expense to their parents. The parents of finalists at the state, regional and national levels attend the competition as guests of the Elks.For more detailed information on the rules and history of the Elks Hoop Shoot, please visit contactNathan Cochraneat .
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