Local Church Services Available On WFJA/WWGP During Social Distancing Time

Many churchgoers are creatures of habit. Most attend their church every Sunday (most times sitting in the same pew) and start their week the with the ritual of the Sunday morning church service. The Coronavirus Outbreak and subsequent precautions have forced churches to shut their doors on Sundays and find different ways to reach out to their congregations. Some have met outside in the parking lot and practiced the social distancing as an option. Some churches are broadcasting a service on their websites and some do the same on church Facebook pages. It has caused a change of routine for churches and churchgoers, but church members are still finding ways to stay connected during a difficult time.
WFJA & WWGP have been the home for Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church and First Baptist Church for many years. Both air their services during the 11:00 hour (Jonesboro HBC on WFJA and 1st Baptist on WWGP) and will continue to use the broadcast as a way to reach their congregations. WFJA will also be home for at least two more churches for the coming weeks. Miracle Baptist Church began airing its Sunday Service at 9:00 on WFJA with Pastor Jeff Monzingo and this Sunday Dr. Thomas E. Smith, Sr of 1st Cavalry Baptist Church will deliver a message to his congregation at 10:00.
WFJA/WWGP Sunday Church Lineup
9:00 – Miracle Baptist Church – Pastor Jeff Monzingo (WFJA)
10:00 – 1st Calvary Baptist Church – Dr. Thomas E. Smith, Sr (WFJA)
11:00 – Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church – Dr. Calvin Sayles (WFJA)
11:00 – First Baptist Church – Dr. Sam Roach (WWGP)
Services on WFJA air on 105.5 FM with WWGP airing on 1050 AM & 95.1 FM. Listeners can also join the services online by going to the station’s website at: www.wfjawwgpradio.com and click on “Listen Live”.
We remind all of our listeners that the 34th Annual Easter Sunrise Service will air on WFJA and WWGP at 6:30 AM on Easter Sunday, April 12th.